Bestseller Uncovery
If your book gets published and no one notices (or cares) does it even matter?
You want your book to be a major asset to your business, brand, and message. Yet most non-fiction books aren’t. The right strategic plan makes the difference.
The Promote A Book Uncovery will help you run the numbers and figure out the next best step for you and your book.
Apply TodayWhat gets done in this meeting?
You’ll gain full clarity on:
- Your book and content marketing goals vs. your business goals and how those two match up.
- A full marshaling of your assets and resources (many of which are usually unleveraged or simply unthought of prior to this meeting).
- The development of a book promotional and business-building strategy that will also serve as the ultimate go/no-go gauge: either you’ll find the strategy doable and logically able to provide sufficient ROI or you won’t.
Whether you leave the Uncovery on a “no or a “go” for promoting your book to Best Seller Status, you’ll have complete confidence in your decision.
Plus the strategy will be portable to whatever future promotional or content marketing efforts you decide to implement.
And should you decide to pursue a NYT Bestseller campaign, we work with you to oversee the implementation and execution of this strategy while overseeing the back-end coordination necessary to ensure that your book sales are counted and correctly reported by retailers and bestseller lists for maximum effect.
Nothing could better prepare you for making an intelligent, bottom-line decision on whether a Best-Seller Campaign makes business and economic sense than a Best-seller Uncovery.
Apply TodayThe Uncovery leverages Michael Drew’s 20 years experience and contacts as a book promoter to give you a clear plan for success. During the uncovery you will get rock-solid, actionable answers to the following:
- Whether you have enough sales to make the lists, and, if not, how many more you will need as well as the most efficient way to generate them
- What the actual book promotional campaign will look like, and how all the moving pieces will they work together to both promote your book AND boost your business
- What you’ll need to do to maximize distribution for the book
- The best ways to generate sales for the campaign
- The best publishing model for your goals/book
- The right way to approach a traditional publisher Strategies to ensure your title and cover will maximize sales
- Whether you’ll need or want to hire a PR firm
- The best kind of PR for your book
- How your book’s success will affect your business
- Expected timeframe for achieving ROI
- The major factors that will determine the amount of added income and profit you’ll receive as a result of your best-seller campaign
- How you can leverage a best-seller campaign to have the highest impact on growing your business
Start the Process
You will get a 1.5-day, in-person planning session with the most successful promoter of non-fiction books in the USA, with a 20- year track record of placing books onto the most prestigious Best Sellers lists in America.
(We can accommodate a virtual meeting if an in-person uncovery is impractical, but this will require a full 2 days)
At the end of your meeting with Michael you will walk away from your uncovery with:
An actionable road map to making your book a bestseller and achieving your goals, and The option of retaining Promote A Book for a NYT Bestseller Campaign.
Get My Bestseller Roadmap
The results are simple, if you decide to mount your NYT Bestseller campaign your uncovery plan, when executed, will make you NYT Bestseller.
Micheal Drew’s Uncovery road maps have been proven 124 out of 124 times — 124 campaigns have resulted in 124 best sellers. And the seeds of that success always stem from the strategic insights and decisions made during the Uncovery and Planning stages.
Have Questions
$20,000 upfront, This is the total cost for this service. If you decide to run a NYT bestseller campaign those costs and fees will be separate and in addition to the Uncovery fee.
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